Monday, March 17, 2008

Is A/B/C really as easy as 1/2/3?

Maybe for the Jackson 5, but in the web, it takes a lot of time and effort. I am talking about what is normally referred to as A/B testing. It is the science of testing multiple versions of something in order to achieve the most optimal results from your web sites visitors.

There are many things in which we do A/B testing for. From simple things like buttons and graphics on the web page itself, to more complicated things like pay-per-click ad text, landing pages and forms.

It takes time and effort, patience and investment to do A/B testing but it is definitely worth the rewards. For example:
  • Proper landing page testing can actually decrease your cost-per-click in Google.
  • Optimizing the ad text for your pay-per-click campaign can help you to get quality traffic to your web site and increase your return on ad spend.
  • People might react differently for a different color button on your web site, therefor increasing the click-through rate into your shopping cart or application.
  • A different way for your visitors to fill out a form might influence them to complete the transaction more, there by increasing the conversion rate of your web site.
As you can see, there are several different ways to conduct A/B testing. Give some of these a try on your own site and see how the results vary. You'd be surprised at the results that some little changes can make.


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